1. The news
Please, let us know about the events in your ogranizations, projects and all
around it. The better way to do it is to write it and send to us. We prefer
to get printed information. Your info may appear on the site or to be in further
processing. Sending many information with less sense in it you may cause little
attention to you as from the edition and from the readers.
2. The publications
The editor has no special requests to your education, your place of job and
your social status, but we expect your publications match to principles and
practice of the free press.
3. The reviews
Printed, audio and video stuff for the reviewing in Real Art are accepted on
any formats. The opinions of reviewers are not final and probably may be changed.
However, before making the desision to send your stuff to Real Art, please,
accept the stile and the manner of our reviewers, to avoid unpleasant situation.
The stuff that may degrate a person in race, national or gender way won't be